
Science fiction or sci-fi is a film genre containing things to do with science of a fictional nature, things seen as mysterious, supernatural and metaphysical. It often includes concepts such as robots and other advanced technology, aliens, vampires and ghosts .a supernatural event is something beyond human understanding, beyond science, and since this genre is literally called science fiction it'll naturally include everything supernatural. These things, too extraordinary for real life but not farfetched enough to be completely unbelievable, often happen in the sci-fi genre, everything from the monsters we hear about in fairy tales as kids to heroes and villains with flashy superpowers.
The target audience of my film will be between 16-18 as this is the age group that tends to be most attracted to the sci-fi genre, more elderly people don’t care about fictional tales of unrealistic and unrelatable things and younger people haven’t yet gained the maturity to care about more intellectual topics. As shown by my questionare, the late teen age group, specifically age 16-18 really love the sci-fi genre.




4.       Of course you do, how often do you watch movies?

Never (0)

Rarely (17)

Often (6)

Very Often (7)

5.       What is your favourite movie genre?

Horror (3)

Adventure (3)

Sci-Fi (17)

Comedy (5)

Romance (1)

Mystery (1)

Historical (0)

Other   (0) ……………………………………………………………….

6.       Why do you like this genre?


7.       Do you enjoy watching thrillers? Why?

8.       What form of media do you use the most?
Mobile (27)
Computer (3)
TV (0)
Newspapers (0)
Other ……………………………………………………..

I conducted this questionnaire in order to identify which target audience would be most effective to aim for. It gave me an insight into to what people want, and will eventually help me develop successful opening sequence that will captivate my audience.
I found that males tend to like sci-fi more as most of the people that chose sci-fi were make, however he majority of the people that answered my questionnaire were male which could potentially cause my research to be biased. My questionnaire was also answered by people of the same age group, of which everyone liked to watch movies, once again making it appear biased.

When answering the question ‘do you like to watch movies?’ 100% of people who answered my questionnaire liked to watch movies, therefore making my questionnaire more reliable and relevant to my research.


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